• Are you Playing in the Major Leagues?

    Welcome to Spring 2023. Yes, I said Spring. While the rest of the country digs out from yet another snow storm, we are truly blessed to live in the Southwest, with its warm days and cool nights (although it has been cooler than normal for us!). It is the land of the Early Spring—those rare […]

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  • Reignite the Spark with Business Love

    It’s February, time for lacy Valentines, roses, and heart-shaped candies. It’s also time for overbooked restaurants, ditched New Year’s resolutions, and Girl Scout cookies. I’m feeling the stress, how about you? For businesses, February is the time to reach out to your leads and see how they’re doing, to re-visit former clients to see what […]

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  • Are your Expectations Clear?

    As we ring in the New Year, it is a perfect time to reassess where you are, where your business is, and if everything is in alignment with your core values. Here are 5 ways to align your 1st Quarter 2023. [1] (https://brenebrown.com/resources/dare-to-lead-list-of-values/) 

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  • Remote Work and How to Leverage It

    With the 4th Quarter in full swing, it is time to take a look at your business and figure out where you stand, where you want to be, and where you are headed. Let’s take a quick look at the benefits of having remote employees. I know, especially here in Arizona, a lot of my […]

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  • HR Shouldn’t be Scary

    Why You Need HR in your Business The nature of business is competitive. What are you doing to put yourself, your business, your product, and your employees above the others in your same market? I have been in HR long enough to grow a thick skin – and to know that the average business owner does […]

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  • One-to-Ones: They Aren’t Scary

    This time of year people are beginning to think about pumpkin spice, Halloween costumes and year end performance reviews. Oh you aren’t? That’s just me? And here I thought I was “normal.” I am a huge Pumpkin Spice fan, but that isn’t what I want to talk about. Year-end performance reviews don’t need to be […]

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  • How to Create a Positive Work Environment

    Some of my business clients are struggling. The employees who worked through the pandemic are feeling overworked and underappreciated. No one remembers what a true vacation feels like. I know I don’t and as a business owner it feels I can’t take a vacation. After interviewing my client’s employees, they feel the same way. Here […]

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  • Understanding Onboarding: Helping Your New Employee Find Their Forever Home

    During new employee one-to-ones I ask the employees how their Onboarding process went. I often clarify that I do not mean the handbook review, the paperwork, or even the facility tour – I mean the first 30 days in general. The fact that I have to explain what I mean is enough to show me […]

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  • Maintaining a Healthy Work-Home Balance

    I was lucky and I had an office to hide in during the pandemic. However, for many of my clients, remote work is here to stay. Yes, working from home has become the norm. When the pandemic started, I reminded businesses that it was important to maintain a healthy work/home balance and to respect people’s […]

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  • If Your Workers Can’t Make Decisions, Teach Them How

    Some days I feel really old. I know I am not that old, but now that I am, well, the age that I am, I often feel challenged by the younger generations. I now work with business owners my kids’ ages (late twenties and early thirties), and their employees are even younger—my step-kids’ ages (late […]

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