I have seen posts, memes and received calls from frustrated employers who are struggling with keeping their businesses profitable and keeping their employees safe. Because several states are experience a resurgence in Coronavirus cases, I am encouraging my clients to revisit their working from home strategy.
Many employees have “gotten into the groove” of working at home and as I interview employees – they feel they are more productive at home. They do not have the added anxiety of worrying about their personal safety (or the safety of their loved ones), and can concentrate better (and therefore get more done) from their home office.
I want to reshare some of my work from home tips for employers to help those that are revisiting these possibilities. Remember, setting up a work from home structure will ensure your business keeps running and save you the expense of the entire staff being out sick.
Things to consider when reimplementing your work from home strategy:
- When giving the option to work from home to your employees, be genuine. Many employees feel that although the option is given, their boss doesn’t really want them to work from home. Be honest with them, and yourself.
- Develop a policy for tracking production but try and stay away from micro-managing it. This is easier said than done, but give them time to get the work done before accusing them of falling behind.
- Be flexible with their work from home hours. Especially for those with small children at home.
- Allow telecommuting uniformly. Do not allow just the employees with children to work from home, or only some people. Create a policy that encompasses all of your employees.
- Document that telecommuting is a temporary accommodation because of the public health crisis.
- Take a look at your business’ foot print, this is time for you to reevaluate your office space, technology, and procedures.
- Set boundaries and expectations. Remind your employee needs to be as available to you as if they were down the hall in their office. Do you want them to respond within 2 hours to every email or can you be more flexible?
- Schedule Zoom meetings with your entire to keep in touch. I recommend Mondays to set the priorities for the week and Thursday or Friday afternoons for the weekly recap.
- Telecommuting means more accountability, not less. Leading your team looks different than it does when they are in the office. Your staff needs leadership now more than ever.