• Don’t be That Boss! Encourage your Workers to Disconnect

    What are your expectations of your employees outside work hours? In other words, in the regular course of business, do you expect to communicate with them when they are not working? I ask this question because with today’s technology, our expectations are still evolving. I am old enough to remember receiving my first company Blackberry […]

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  • Collaboration is Key

    I learned at an early age that working together is the best way to get things done. My baby sister was born on a freezing Tuesday night in February. As Dad traveled for work, Mom sank into what we now know was post-partum depression. I was the oldest child, and it fell to me, at […]

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  • “Easy” Employee Engagement Tips

    Do your workers seem bored and listless, as if they’re just going through the motions? Yeah, you say, but I can’t do anything about it. Work is work. At least they get a paycheck. But all work—or at least all workplaces—are not created equal. Whether or not you think you should have to engage your […]

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  • Plan your Success

    As 2018 gets underway, we all are striving to set goals and take those first steps to meeting them. Structure for Success is no different. Our biggest goal this year is to expand. We aim to work with more clients this year at a higher level, and to provide more services. Hiring is still our […]

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  • Are your expectations clear?

    My January best practice tip builds on all the hard work you put into creating your Year End Strategic Plan. Didn’t get that done? No problem! There is still time to review what worked and didn’t work for your business last year and to create a custom blueprint for 2018. Strategic plans are living documents, […]

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  • News Alert: Minimum Wage to Increase January 2018

    Remember Proposition 206? The one that requires all businesses with at least one employee to provide paid sick leave effective July 1, 2017?  Another important provision of Prop 206 is an incremental increase in the minimum wage for hourly employees. As a result, the minimum wage in Arizona increased from $8.05 to $10.00 on January […]

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  • Are You Ready to Ring in the New Year?

    Did you say 2018? Where did 2017 go? More to the point, how did it go? Did you hit all your business goals? If you did, congratulations. Set even higher goals for next year. But if you didn’t, don’t beat yourself up—build yourself up. Now is the time to figure out what got in the […]

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  • Are You Stuck on the Launch Pad? Join Our Career Launch Program

    You’ve taken that last exam and marched proudly in your college or grad school graduation. You’ve had jobs before—waiting tables, stacking boxes, checking out groceries or clothes—but not a career. You’ve sent out a few resumes because that’s what you do, but nothing has come of it. Are you ever going to be able to […]

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  • How to Keep Good Workers: Follow the Golden Rule

    Hiring good workers is a critical function for every small business, but it’s only the beginning. One of the biggest costs to small businesses, both in the outlay of actual money and in lost productivity, is worker churn. Once you hire good workers, how do you keep them? The simple answer is, follow the Golden […]

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  • How to Find Good Workers: Hire Them

    In my work with small business owners, I hear all the time: “Wendy, I just can’t find good workers.” It’s as if they expect these mythical creatures to materialize before them, fully trained and ready to go. But that’s not how it happens. You don’t find good workers, you hire them. After 25 years as […]

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