• Remote Work: How to Navigate Virtual Leadership

    Leadership during the COVID-19 crisis has taken on a new face. For many, it is the face of confusion and uncertainty. But it doesn’t have to be that way. My team has been virtual from its inception—not because I was so forward thinking, but because I didn’t want to pay for more office space. Because […]

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  • Employers and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): Document, Document, Document

    As of Wednesday, April 1, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) goes into effect, and employees are now eligible to file for an additional 80 hours of sick time and/or expanded FMLA leave. Several of my clients have asked for clarification regarding how they should approach these changes. My answer in general is […]

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  • More on COVID-19: What if an Employee Tests Positive or is Exposed?

    It was only a matter of time until I received a call from a client saying that one of their employees had been exposed to the Coronavirus. Here’s what I told them about how to proceed, how to avoid HIPPA violations, and how to protect the rest of their staff. What does a company do […]

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  • Coronavirus Q&A: What do Employers Have to Pay For Under the New Guidelines?

    If I have to temporarily close my business, do I have to pay my employees during this time? Not generally, but here are the rules: Nonexempt hourly employees do not have to be paid during business closures provided they don’t perform any work at all during the closure period. If they work during that time, […]

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  • What is your Telecommuting Strategy?

    Can employers require employees to work from home as an infection-control strategy? Should they?                Absolutely, and it is recommended. Creating a telework policy will ensure your business keeps running and save you the expense of having the entire staff out sick. Things to consider when creating a telecommuting policy: Develop a policy for tracking […]

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  • Furlough, Layoffs, RIFs, Oh My!

    I wanted to create a short informational piece that can help give you data through this time of uncertainty. There are a lot of terms floating around and people are struggling to know the difference. And more importantly, to know which one fits their situation. Furlough, Layoff, Reduction in Force (RIF), OH MY – all […]

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  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act

    As many of you know, on March 18, 2020, President Trump signed H.R. 6201 – the Families First Coronavirus Response Act – into law.  I have spent most of the day with my clients answering questions about the changes. To help us all navigate the changes, we have compiled a high-level overview for business owners […]

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  • What’s Your Sick Leave Strategy?

    You have to be truly off the grid not to know about the corona virus. Coverage of the pandemic saturates news cycles with the increasing number of cases, school closures, travel advisories, and recommended precautions. Hand sanitizer is sold out in many cities (though soap and water are just as effective), people are “elbow bumping” […]

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  • HR is a Creative Process, no really!

    Recently, a colleague accused me of being creative. How dare she! I am a successful business owner and coach known for telling it like it is, and I can crunch numbers with the best of them (though a ten-key comes in handy). None of this “creativity” nonsense. I should know. I grew up in a […]

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  • Bad Employee Behavior: You’re Either Coaching It or Allowing It

    My husband and I were watching the Thursday night Browns-Steelers game (he is a life-long Browns fan, poor man), and we witnessed the already infamous fight between Myles Garrett and Steelers’ quarterback Mason Rudolph. (In my opinion, that entire game was a hot mess—full of penalties and poor sportsmanship on both sides.) What struck me […]

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