Using September to Refresh your Goals

As I sit here staring at the calendar, I am surprised, although I shouldn’t be, when I turn the page and see “September” across the top of it. Really? Did I just say September? Before you know it, we will be drinking pumpkin spice lattes (don’t hate, they are my favorite) and putting up holiday decorations. Holy Buckets, Batman – where has 2024 gone?

So, let’s talk about September. It isn’t just about being beyond fed up with the Arizona heat. It is an opportunity to reassess, refocus, and re-strategize for the rest of your year. Fourth Quarter is right around the corner so let’s take a moment to think about goals.

Implementing business goals effectively is crucial for any organization aiming to achieve success and to drive growth. Goals without action are just pretty – they aren’t functional. It is time to take stock of the goals you set in January and redefine them, if necessary, for the remainder of the year.

Here are some quick-hit ways to make your goals feel more like strategic planning.

Understanding Strategy Implementation

What did I just say? Strategy implementation is the process of turning your goals into actionable items. And then by doing those actions, it helps you to reach business objectives.

Simply put – it is taking your dreams, goals, and to-dos and translating them into daily activities that align with the business goals. It means executing daily actions or activities that help you reach your end game. Deciding what you need to do, and when you need to do it is strategy implementation.

 And you, and your business, need it. You need to take the time to think and plan. Geeks like me LOVE planning time. And geeks like me don’t take nearly as much time as we should to do that planning.  And the follow up to that is to make your strategy something you will do. Taking the time to plan and strategize is essential for business growth. Schedule it, put your headphones in, and get to work. This time needs to be real, honest, and doable. Creating a strategy isn’t the place to add fantasy or what if’s. It’s the time to be realistic and optimistic and allow for the unexpected.

Setting Clear Goals         

The first step in putting your goals into action is to define them clearly. Write down your main goal and break it down into smaller, manageable subgoals. This can help you clarify your objectives and makes them feel more attainable. This year I kept my goals a bit more “open” than I usually do. Apparently, I was shy and skeptical in January. As I review them for the remainder of the year, I realized I needed to tighten up my goals and be more specific not only in my actual goals, but in my actionable steps.

If in doubt on how to make clear goals, you can go back to the SMART goal process. This framework helps in articulating your goals clearly and ensures that they are realistic and aligned with your company’s overall objectives. For a reminder a SMART goal is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Identify Potential Obstacles

As you work towards your goals, be prepared to face obstacles. These obstacles can be psychological barriers (I admit, my biggest obstacle is my own brain), or practical issues (like time constraints). Identifying these challenges in advance allows you to create strategies to overcome them. To be effective in the implementation of your goals you need to identify the obstacles and plan accordingly. Do you have the resources, software, staff, or financial resources needed to accomplish your goal? If you do not, that can be a step in achieving your goal or objective. Step one for example may be buying the software. No excuses, as my Grandmother used to say, where there is a will there is a way.

Monitor and Adjust

Once your implementation begins, continuous monitoring is essential. I have my goals written down in a book and I check it daily. I use that list to create a to-do list for the next day. Constant movement keeps me motivated. Be prepared to adjust as needed. When you identify a potential risk, or experience a new challenge, don’t allow that to impede your progress (no matter how tempting it is to use that obstacle as an excuse to stop). Time to go back to your initial strategy and tweak it to meet the new circumstances.

Putting your business goals into action requires a strategic approach that encompasses clear goal setting, comprehensive planning, identifying your roadblocks, and continuous monitoring. By following these steps and remaining adaptable, you can transform your dreams and goals into reality.

I was reminded the other day that the journey to achievement is as important as the destination. So, with that in mind, I plan to embrace the process and the planning and then enjoy the growth that comes with it. Come join me on this journey!